
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Atas nama persahabatan...I cannot lose u dear friend!

sebelum mulakan cerita...tengok gambar dlu ya..zaman2 dolu2..
before I story mory..look thru this pics k..the old days...

Assalamualaikum kepada semua pengikut saya..
Greetings to all my followers...

Post kali ini saya akan cerita satu kisah sedih sedikit...
This entry is about a sad story...

kenapa saya menggunakan dua bahasa??
why am I using two language??

sebab saya tengah sedih dan tidak boleh fikir ape-ape..jadi begini lah ceritanya...
because I'm too sad to think about here's the story....

bertemunya saya dengan kawan saya ini adalah kerana Ilmu..
I met this friend of mine because of education...

kami berkongsi segala masalah bersama, segala suka duka semuanya kami lalui bersama...
we share so many things like problems, the sad and happy days we gone thru together..

tetapi...suatu hari...kerana satu kesilapan...dia telah salah faham dan setelah itu persahabatan kami makin renggang.. day...there's this one mistakes that somehow have made us misunderstand the situation and that made our relationship somehow dis-apart..

pada malam itu...kami hanya berhubung dalam keadaan kemarahan, geram, rasa benci dan kedua-duanya menangis...sebab sama-sama nak menang...
that particular night...we contact each other with the feelings of anger, furious, hatred and we both cried all night long....because we both have the egoes of wanting to win...

entah mengapa...hati ini mahu bertanyakan khabar tentang dirinya...
donno heart feels like wanting to ask if she's alright...

jadi saya pon menelefonnya..
so I called her...

keadaan menjadi sunyi seketika selepas telefon telah di angkat olehnya... saya tahu nama sy di ansetnya muncul "my babe" lalu saya berkata "helo"
it was a silent moment after she pick up her phone..I knew my name written on her mobile phone as "my babe" so I say "hello"

dia tidak pula berkata helo kembali..jadi saya menyanyi...
she did not reply hello I sing...


selepas saya habis cakap macam tue saya dapat dengar dia ketawa sambil menahan agar tidak di dengari oleh saya...saya tersenyum lega...
after I said those words...I could hear a gigling sound which she covers it so that I couldn't hear them...I smile in relief...

perbualan kami berakhir setelah lebih kurang sejam lamanya..
our conversation last about an hour...

kami gembira sebab hubungan kami sepert sedia kala..
we are so happy that our friendship is back to normal...

sebab....saya tidak sanggup kehilangannya dan begitu juga dengannya kerana kami berkawan sejak kecik...hingga sekarang...itu lah persahabatan yang paling saya sayang dan saya berdoa memohon kepada illahi agar persahabatan ini berkekalan hingga ke akhirnya...
saya sayang awak wahai sahabatku...!!!
because...I couldn't afford to lose her and same goes to her...we've been friends since we were small and till now..that's the friendship that I hold till now and I love and I pray to God that our friendship will last forever...
I love you dear friend...!!!

itu je la ceritanya......x best kan??? hahahah
so thats the story...pretty bored huh??? hahah

hear out my trademarks...!!!



Izz Ahmad said...


intan said...

ape yang Ooonye tue encik izz ahmad?? :)

intan said...
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