
Monday, October 5, 2009

niGht moDe....???

Me aNd my faMily went out Last night to the UUM expos
which we we'rent planning on going acctually
it happen that we suddenly 'have' to go because of Najmie has her SIfe's meeting tonight...
so the planned buy stuff needed so that tomorrow
we don't bother on going again at the expo
which...on a last minutes najmie got a message from her SIFE friend
whom told her that the meeting is canceled...
well the point is that time when she got the message...
everyone is "kind a" preparing to go out
so we end up going anyway since we all are in the mood of going out..

so this is just some of the pictures taken while we're there....
and while eating and stuff..
not much though to share...

once we arrive at the expo..kak ijah took this picture since there's a full moon...

after a long tired of 'walking' we stop at the food section..
well actually there is no section but this place is full of foods people!
this is kak ijah in front of the pasembor ketam stall
she bought the pasembor for mum...

and me while waiting for the food to come...yeah..i look bored...
can't help stomach is grilling...?huh? is that a word?????!!!
well me and the me sisters are really hungry and
i think we've waited for about half an hour already!

this is me lovely mum...

this is najmie and kak ijah...

and me with my way of saying i'm bored....

the hands belong to: kak ijah,me,najmie and wahida....
we are just showing our string bracelet made by our wonderful friend....Daphnee...

mine is the red one...
wahida's is the pink one...
kak ijah is the green one
and najmie is the blue one..

the happy face that najmie is attending to do is full of mysterious....not!!
look what she made me do...!


I couldn't resist on laughing at her!!

well we head home around 11.40 pm i think because i was too focusing on looking at the band on the stage that i couldn't keep track of where my families were...
and so~
i had a great time with my family....

do u..????!

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