
Friday, July 24, 2009

surf and surf the web..

well I like to search for something new in the internet everyday...

especially about...

skin problems


all about disease

while doing this post i'm in the middle of doing my work and all

so got to hurry a bit...

and I donno why I've got the problems wit the water trigger..

help mummy...!

me head is spinnin' like wish mix up and end up something that does not pop up in me head!

well...lets leave the problem behind and continue on with me post for the day...

lets see...

just a few moments ago I did me work

title: Cream propolis

Propolis: comes from bees ( in a liquid)
cream propolis: ( its a cream) and can use for externally

and so on...

while doing me work i listen to a hindustani songs
from the long long time drama story called 'Hum Sath Sath Hain'
the actor from that movie is
Monish Behl
Sonali Bendre
Karisma kapoor
Salman Khan
Saif Ali Khan

yup.this is them..

Hum Sath Sath Hain - We Stand United

i just love every songs that is in this story...

very sweet...

and i have no ideAS about what to put in me post for now...

maybe i'll post something new and interesting when i get back home tomorrow!

yay me!


and that's about it..

bubye honorable readers...!

info jur nie pown....

kali nie I nak cerita skit pasal 'something' yang I jumpa kat dalam web
' SeGaLanya TenTang TumBuhaN'

so I copy dan pastekan lah dalam ruangan nie...tuk kita share same2 kan... BuAh NaGa SeJeNis KaKtus Yang UnIk...

Buah Naga sebenarnya adalah sejenis pokok kaktus yang tidak mempunyai daun tetapi hanya

mempunyai batang berbentuk tiga segi yang banyak ditumbuhi duri-duri halus seperti juga

pokok kaktus yang lain. Oleh itu ia hanya sesuai ditanam jauh dari kawasan lalu lalang seperti di

bahagian penjuru laman agar duri pada batangnya tidak membahayakan.

Bunganya pula berwarna putih kekuningan berbau sangat wangi.

la mula berkembang mulai jam 9 malam, hanya mekar pada waktu tengah malam dan beransur

layu pada waktu dini hari. Ada yang berpendapat bahawa keharuman bunganya mempunyai

kesan aroma terapi dan baik untuk kesihatan.

Untuk mengetahui kebenarannya cuba-lah sendiri menghidu wangian bunganya pada waktu

'tengah malam'

Mana kala buahnya pula berbentuk unik seperti menyerupai bebola

api berwarna merah terang.

Rupanya seakan akan bebola api yang keluar dari mulut naga.

post kedua I hari nie...

I nak cerita pasal something else...

info kesihatan:kanser.. mengapa ianya penting untuk kita mengetahuinya???

well, for me I rase kite semua harus tahu about penyakit kanser nie...

x rugi kalau kta ambil tahu kan..

infact ia akan memberi kesan yang teramat besar kepada kita di dalam situasi yang kita tak sangkakan...


ketika saudara mara atau family kita contohnya ada tanda2 awal menghidap penyakit 'kanser' ini...kita tahu langkah atau ape yang kita harus lakukan bagi membantu mereka mengatasi proses seperti ketika mereka cemas, takut atau ketika mereka berasa sakit....

just being there for him/her will help them feel more secured, relaxed and help them get better soon..

so tue ja kot untuk sekarang...


Thursday, July 23, 2009

best punYer tAjUk....!

post kaLI Nie laIn SkiT...

I nak cerita in Malay ya...

Malaysia Oh Tanah Airkuuu....

okay.....kali nie nak le cerita skit sebanyak pasal aper orang kater "information collected"....

la..tukaq plak dah bahasa..

ley poning pala kan..??

apa pown..I nak berterima kasih kepada you all di atas jasa baik you all yang sudi membaca blog I yang masih diperbaiki nie...heheheh

haa...I ader la terbace dalam this website pasai 'Kempen Hari TAnpa Berbelanja'

ley pakai jugak logik soklan dia tue...

hat bawah nie la apa yang I bace tue:

1) adakah saya benar-benar memerlukannya?

2) berapa banyak yang saya milikinya?

3) berapa kerap saya menggunakannya?

4) berapa lama ia akan bertahan?

5) adakah lebih baik saya meminjamnya sahaja?

6) adakah saya boleh bertahan tanpanya?

7) adakah lebih baik saya melakukannya sendiri?

8) adakah ia masih lagi boleh diperbaiki?

9) adakah ia berkualiti?

10) bagaimanakah dengan harganya? adakah berbaloi memilikinya?

haa..lagu tue lah apa yang I baca....

almaklumlah...tiap2 arie I duk cari info2 pasal bende2 event nie tuk syarikat...

pastu lak bila I bukak email....

huih...banyak jugak pengetahuan am yang I dapat setiap hari....(syoq noh)

dak aih...saja melawak nooo...

ada hat pasai segala mengenai tumbuhan, about bisnes, pasai life n macam2 lagi lah no....lebih kurang hat macam iklan di astro la...'macam2 ada'...

pastu I explore n explore hat dalam intenet nie...

I terjumpak lah pasai nie...tajuk dia ' Can I forgive myself? ' tajuk kecik dia 'cleaning up after the mess you made' ish lupa dah I jumpa tang mana tekan2 ja....xpandai mana pown... You all pandai lagi...(^;^)

nie la points2 dia yang I amik tuk jadikan pedoman tuk I...

* before exploring your options for moving on, take a good look at why you did what you did...

* perhaps you didn't give enough thought and consideration to what the consequences might be...

to help you put order back into your life, there's an effective five-point plan for self forgiveness:

i) be honest and admit that you made a poor choice and did not value whatever you lost. by doing this you give yourself a chance to change and posibbly get it right in the future.

ii) keep in mind that tomorrow is another day, and perhaps it will be a better one.
give yourself hope that you'll get through this.

iii) make sure to ask forgiveness of those you disappointed even if they have no interest in giving you another chance. this takes courage you may be rejected, dismissed, diminished..or hopefully forgiven...

iv) make repairs where necessary: Return money, stay late or work weekends to make up for a botched assignment,re-enter a detox program...Whatever it is, do it!

v) learn from your mistakes. spiritual growth cannot be learned without "messing up" along the path. once you've done everything you can do, you will be on the road to returning to normal. Talk to friends and family members or counselors for reassurance and guidance.

"LiVing In GuIlT aNd sHaMe iS nOt lIvIng wElL, bUt fOrGiViNg oUrseLveS aNd dOiNg tHe BesT we Can wIth wHat We hAvE...ThaT iS wHat tHis JouRney Is aLL aBoUt!

"What yOu diD or didn't do doesn't dictate what you can do or are capable of doing in the future, it only highlights how to recognize what will bring you fulfillment. So foRge aHead with AnticipatIon! sOme of yOuR biGgEst Mistakes Are mOst lIkeLy yoUr mOst Valued bLessInGs....

wowow...banyak betul I celoteh dalam engLish kan....!

macam xade perbezaan jer pown...

mcmm rojak jer...

aper pown u all...

I hope sangat la you all ley gunakan this info as something to tressure ley...??

okay la nooo...

I nak kne sambung koje nie...

kang nanti I punyer bos marah lak...this I buat time I

selamat membace...!

keRna diRiku begiTu beRharge....!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

missin' someone....(^;^)

what a lovely day....( seems the weather's a bit windy)

talk about weather...

every time its rainy day i couldn't help from thinkin' about someone...

i donno why...

maybe I miss someone...?


well....i'm just an ordinary person...

likes to love and be love....can't I?

love struck!

i'm love...?

am I?


okay..maybe i could share me love story.....

he is....someone I know...

for the pass urm...5 years..? ( if i'm not mistaken)

he is....not that handsome guy like actor or something he is just an ordinary guy....

but... he's sweet....kind...charming polite in his way....naughty with words....

and not to forget....

uuu....he is down to earth person....

humble, responsible in his words and act....

respect my family....

thats the most important parts....

and the reason i like him so much is he's always there when I need him,

share's his success and failure with me....

he wanted to give me happiness...

and try to heal my sorrows....
(perasan tul)

but that doesn't last long...

we had a huge fight

something happen between us

and all that left is just a memories of us...

and.... sob sob... well..actually...he's gone....

i mean not pass away or anything...

he's just out of my life..

but when I think about it....

maybe he's not 'the one' for me....

maybe i was distance with someone else...

but now... I'm enjoying what I'm going through..

as time passes by....

maybe after I've found ' the one' for me....

maybe by that time...

I'm ready...

I'm ready to be the new me...

okay, that's all for now...

do take good care of yourself..

our body is our bisness...


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

MiNd SeT...

joyful faces...

after mum and najmie thought me about the water trigger, my days seems a lot more happier and lot more brighter than ever!

maybe i think to much...

which I'm not suppose to do that..

well...lets leave the story behind and move towards the future which I'm about to attempt...

these are my routine stuff that i did everyday....(working days)

1) once awake, look at the mirror and smile as if u're happy you had finally got your wish...

2) after took your bath, recite the doa' which you wish to have a better day and hope that if you had any problem what so ever, you could easily get through it...

3) once you walk out of the house, have a good intention in your heart...

4) took me breakfast ( an important meal of the day)

5) check out my schedule ( the unfinished task/important task of the day)

6) if I had a headache, I'll stop working for a while and doing other things that does not include focusing on the laptop..ngee~

7) once after i settle my task, I'm happy and say ' Alhamdulillah'...

well...that's all for now...


Sunday, July 19, 2009

quite a tiring and fun day....!

actually i have this problem when it comes to think about what to wear...

i don't know..

it seems so...

DifFicult somehow...

u may think I'm weird...

I'm not that typical type of choosy gurl but every time i iron my cloth i kept thinking that...

'okay, this is the cloth that i will wear'

and it end up I didn't even wore it...!

what's that all about????

weird me!

anyway, now I'm 'sort of' watching Korean Dramas....

well...neyh...more to listen then looking...

this morning I watch the 101 Dalmation...

u know about the 101 cute puppies....

and after watching the korean dramas Kak Ijah switch to AXN and there's the making of Harry Potter And Half Blood Prince....and she start screeming like crazy....( hehe)


I'm looking forward to watch it at the teather.. someday...

i've watch Transformers II: Revenge Of The Fallen...and it was Awesome i tell ya!

you would not regret watching it...!


so after rethinking a lot...i finally found the suitable and comfortable cloth to wear....and decent....

then me n mommy send khadij to COB for her class and head to Jitra to visits me cousin and to play with Q.A my niece...

unfortunately, there's no one at home....

so after mum pray solat Zuhur, we head 4 the airport..

her flights to KL is at 3.20 pm..

this is mommy lining up to check in at the counter ( MAS)

mommy with her fwen...

so many peoples....'mommy, i want to go tooooo...'

'but no...u have to've got work to do'....

bla bla bla...

mom's at the counter ready to check in for her flight....

bought drinks coz mom's a bit thirsty...

then after hug and kisses goodbye....

she glance back to see me before she vanish into the entrance....

man...its kinda sad...

coz i will not be spending my holiday wit my mom....

hurm...anyway hope have a save journey to Kl and returned safely back home...amin...

take care mummy...!

i love you...!

then i head back to Jitra and went to Ain's house...

fetch her and head for Aneka...

there....we went to WhIte cRysTal CaFe...(near Aneka)

well ain told me that the cafe has this delicious food that she likes....

hurm....anyway lets give it a try...

well....its okay but the cafe seems a bit empty...

nothing exclusive what-so-ever..

but we manage to snap some photo's with the help from the waiter...(chinese guy)

thanx to him we manage to upload this nice photos...

quite empty space i tell ya...

she had Nasi Goreng Ayam and Ice Blended Cappucino...

ice-blended and french fries for me..

after that we went into Aneka and I bought myself 'gurls stuff' then ain bought her a new pair of sandals...

we went to 3rd floor...

to have a peek at the movies shown at the cinema...

harry potter and a half blood price shown at 6.oo pm...

well...i had to be back by that time to fetch wahida at can't watch that movies...

so send ain home and head to wahida's school, fetch her and return home....

at 6.30 pm fetch Khadij and Najmie.....

just because I didn't answer khadij's call she's pist off about it and i had to treat her a drinks to cool her down...

so we head for the Uni Mart...

and this is the photo of the place...

on the way back to the car, we spotted the 'Lutong' or Barrels as what Najmie told me...

vewy cute....!

okay...and that's all that I could think of...

I'm so going to bed early tonite...

good nite wonderful readers...!


its good to be back....

as you all know, I'm home babeh!

yay, happy me!

morning,morning, morning!

woke up this morning...

with a smile cause i know I'm at home...

i could stretch heavenly cause i don't have to hurry here and there this morning..

well usually every morning i woke up and rush to prepare for work...

so not good for a healthy routine..


i did some house chores...

ate my breakfast with kak ijah...

cause mom,najmie and wahida has left for school, class and work...

well as for me I had to be the driver 'still yay me'!

just for two days ( holiday)

because tomorrow I'm going back to JItra....

well I'm having a stomach ache....auch!

kinda hurts a lot....(maybe its because PMS)

ow boy...

post later...

got to go.....

bubye honorable readers!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

working as a part time waitress...

friendly waitress...


as for today i waNt to share some of my experience working as a part time waitress and had finished doing my practical training for the past 6 month...

2 month being a waitress...
( during the month of Ramadhan and Hari Raya Puasa)

while I'm studying in college...

I had been working as a part timers at the hotel that are assign to work by my lecturer...

so I've experience working at different kind of places and meet a different kind of procedure,

different kind of ways and different kind of customers with different kind of behavior....

but that makes me see things and learn from making my own mistake...

the hotel that I've work before is...

Berjaya Beach Resort

Awana Porto Malai

Chandek Kura Hotel and Apartment(Pre-Practical Training 2 month)

Oriental Inn ( wedding receiption)

Seaview Hotel (Iron Man)

(Practical Training 6 month) Seri Malaysia Hotel Alor Setar


k, that's all for now...

hope you enjoy reading me blog...

i'm happy to be back home.....!

happy me...

as I told in the previous post....

I'm going home for my holiday ( 2 days )

I'm hAppY To Be Back....

It Feels GOOOD...!

yup yup yup!

At HoMe there's my mom,my eldest sister, Kak Ijah, my sister Najmie AnD WaHida...

mIssIng Sister: AinI...

we're not super 5 because AiNi's not around...

anyway, I haven't told yet that I'm the 'so call fan'
(not that big fan just ordinary fan)


Super Junior's....SuJU





Seo In YouNg

Wonder GirLs

and a lots more...

anyway just feeling Good to Be BaCk...

that's all for tonight...


sweet poems....

we love you~

The Things I Love About You

I love the way you make me laugh

I love the way you make me cry

Tears of joy stream from my eyes

As I hear your voice, a loving surprise.

I love you when you're angry

I love you when you're sad

I love you when you're glad

When you tell me of the day you had

I love you truly

I love you deeply

Ever since the day I let you meet me

I missed you when you left

I miss you now more than ever

Making a mistake that I regret

Hoping that you are a forgiver

Without you, my life is strife

But now I ask for a second chance

Be with me and start a life

Together forever, an eternal dance

I wait for you as the days go by

My love is growing inch by inch

I cannot wait to see you again

But I wait for you, and your warm kiss

I love you

i took this poem from the best love poems.....

enjoy reading it!

hora de la verdad...

me sobrina-nieta me un amigo intimo....

me sobrina-nieta...

Que vestido mas bonito!


What a pretty dress!


me un amigo intimo....

mai mejar amigo....

ckp bahasa spanish la plak....


i had a great time wit me fwen Ain at Secret Recipe....

well I didn't ate anything but Ain did, she had a slice of cake..

I just came here to have ice blended cappuccino...

cost= RM 8.90 i think....(mybe wrong kot)

yup, we're twins....

but different mom and dad...

neyh...this is me best fwen...

she prefer red shirts...and let me have the pink one....all the time....

yup....dreaming of coming here to meet someone....not!


and she gave me her new picture..

woa....nmpak slim plek jur....!


that's all for now..

have a nice day...!

I'll be taking a holiday for 2 days....

I'm so going back home... cause...

I miss me family....

can't wait to go back...!

HeRE Are SomE oF ThIngs ThAt I WanTed To Share WiTH You WonderFul Readers....

YoU ARe As BeAuTifUl As You aRe...

YoU Make YoUr Own RuLes In LiFe....

ThEn You'll Be As HapPy As A BiRd In D SkY...

JuSt BeLIevE In YouRself...

Believe ThAt U Can Fly...

HAve A SeLf-ConFide
nT In ANy SiTuaTion...

LoVe BeiNG YourSelf...

AnD You'll FiNd PeAce In YoUR LifE...



incase la kalau ade yang nak taw aper maksud tajuk tue...

it MeanS....CRUcIaL TimeS...

JuSt suke letak nama tajuk lagu tue...hahahah

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

a mix up story to tell....

first topic: having fun with my niece Quratul Ain


sure to tackle anyone's heart to play with her....

she knows how to play by herself even though there's not people around her
( not far from her)

for a 6 month old baby...her weight is about 12 kg...!


she likes to play with anything around her....

for example, i gave her her diapers (Hey Baby)..

she didn't bother to play with anything else than that...

so its fun playing with her...

so this is a few pictures i snap during our play time....some of it its just candid(blur leee) cute!

she got strong muscle arms....

next story...

(leave me alone face)....

something has to do with depression..

this story contains something that has nothing to do with absolutely you...
(please no heart feelings)

its about some question that i asked myself once in awhile....

when I'm rethinking about my life, my needs and my duty that i have to fulfilled...
the usual question that i always ask my self is...

Q: What do I really want in my life?
( for my future)

Q: Is this the life that i wanted to take forever?
( still for my future)

Q: Why am I not a happy person like i use to be?
(back days when I'm happy)

Q: Why must I do something that I dislike?

Q:Why can't I do the things I wanted to do without have to be stuck with a situation that I can't pull myself back?

Q: Why is me that has to take such a responsibility for others at this age?


I've gone MAd, MAd, MAd!

probably insane...
next story....

last nite i watch "Jangan Pandang Belakang"... its at TV2 at 10.00 pm every Tuesday nite....

Guess What??

While the ghost attack the victims, I clearly saw the rope that is attached to the ghost..

so not the drama says Kim Possible....

xpandai langsung ada ka bagi penonton tgok macam tue..

.nampak sgt tali dia masa hantu tgah terbang tueh....

(no heart feelings lah but its the fact)

its not even real...

and definitely not scary at all...

and my Mak Menakan said..."is that guy wearing a lipstick'?

why is his lipstick seem pink ish...??


dari tengok cite nie bek men ngan Quratul Ain lagi best...

Talk about Depression...

I've learn some of the basic stuff that we should know about Depression...

lets share this knowledge ye..?

depression maybe describe as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods...

there's a symptom of depression which include:
  • trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping
  • a dramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or loss
  • fatigue and lack of energy
  • feelings of worthlessness , self-hate, and inappropriate guilt
  • extreme difficulty concentrating
  • agitation, restlessness, and irritability
  • inactivity and withdrawal from usual activities
  • feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • recurring thoughts of death or suicide
how to prevent depression..???

healty lifestyle habits can help prevent depression, or lesson the chances of it happening again. these habits include eating properly,sleeping adequately, exercising regularly, learning to relax and not drinking alcohol or using drugs.

counseling may help you through times of grief, stress, or low mood.

Family therapy may be particularly important for teens who feel blue.

if you feel socially isolated or lonely, try volunteering or getting involved in group activities.

well, that's it for now...

keep reading my blog ya..???


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

after a whole day resting at home...

okay...(last nite story)

I'm sick so i stayed home
so bored though...

had breakfast : hot milo and crackers...(thats the only food that i could swallow)

after that i took my medicine...

which is antibiotic and running nose..

and then something grow on me face ouch...!( gatal2 kat muke)

then for lunch...i didn't ate anything cause i'm still full( wonder why)

then....during evening when me cousin arrive home she bought us foods which is....

nasi, lauk2nyer lebih kurang daging masak kicap, taugeh masak kunyit well something like that and satu lagi tue aper tah owh...gulai ikan(giler kuah dia pekat tuuuu)

and so...i ate...(loya tekak xtaw naper)
owh forgot to tell i accidently took 2 times (ubat selsema) which is i suppose to take just 1 pil for a day so yup...( dizziness)

back to the story...

After watching a couple of drama's and stuff while playing with my niece, Quratul Ain...

i seat back and relax while my mind is wondering around....

(don't bother to look at the mobile phone)

i ask my cousin...

"could you please make me something that i could sip on"?

i usually ask weird stuff like that)

after thinking what kind of food i would like to ask her to make...

she gives me a cou
ple of choices of soups....

and i agree with the Tom yam campur ( shrimp + meat) yummy...!

she agrees....

and head for the kitchen...

poor me...had a fever...huhu...

in a few minutes... i finished ate and it taste awesome!

hehehe so.........

i read this book ( but did not finish reading yet) The Present...

hurm....sorry...i cannot get the full picture of the book ( very dissapointed)

watch 'Musang Berjanggut' funny though....

hahhaah....and then zzzzzzz....

and today.... (new story)

I went to work and discover i had this some sort of allergist....

its some kind of hives...

hives are pink or red bumps or slightly raised patches of skin...

man, this hives does itchy....

but this hive is like when you get the mosquito bite...

very small one...

one common reason why i get this hives is because of allergic reaction.

did you know.....
that some common allergic triggers are certain foods (like milk, shellfish, berries, and nuts) and for medications ( such as antibiotics), and insect stings or bites...

these stuff i learn from the internet...

if you wanted to know more about them feel free to search it at

and search by clicking to any category to view the articles.


that's all i can think of...

well before that i would like to wish a Happy Birthday to my Ibu Susuan( bahasa inggeris xtaw la nak sebut lagu mana)

and also i would like to congrats my sister Najmie....( belajar elok2)

she's now officially the Uni Student...(UUM)

and to my family..take cAre...i'm gonna miss you guys....!

with lots of love to all...

be happy, be healty....
you sure are pretty...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

i love shopping...

its not something new if gurls like to shop for stuff...

especially when there's sale,sale,sale everywhere....!

you will get crazy just because you see cheap stuff...

my favorite item when i went shopping+ money is not a problem but i still need to focus on my important stuff before i start shopping like crazy...

lets see....first things that crossed my mind is I need shoes!

comfortable soft shoes....

type of shoes i really like:

high heels....

well this one I search in the internet

( does not belong to me)

second one i like flat shoes
( just started to wore them since i got this sort of bloated thing on my

neck because i like to wear high heels)...bla bla bla...

cute isn't it??

and sandals are okay..

usually back then I really am crazy about buying high heels cause I'm a bit short..? hurm..

anyway... 1 shoe cost about RM 59.90.... or maybe i can get it for RM 29.90...

totally i can save my money there about RM 30.00!

i could buy another pair of shoes....!


second items to buy = handbag or purse? which one is more important??


handbag from famous brand...

this is a replica handbags....

this is Pink Gucci Handbag....

guess handbag...

waaa..lotsa handbags.... i want them all...huhu!

cost about RM 40.00 but if i try to find another handbag that look just the same and with the same brand and in cheaper cost why not buy one rite???

i can get it for RM 20.00...!

look at the bride sight i can have two handbag at the same time!

third items = perfumes..

cost = RM 69.00

this is Britney Spears Perfume - Fantasy.. very nice...

this is Gucci Perfume...

guess perfume

this is all the perfume which brand i don't know...
fourth items : cosmetics....

as for cosmetics i usually use...

cream - propolis cream

foundation - Maybelline

compact powder for face - silky white (ivory)

eyeshadow - Mac

cost = RM 8.90 ( i think)

eye liner - avon

cost = Rm 10.90

lipstick - Leno
lip shiner -don't know the brand name

cost : RM 10.90? ( i forgot to ask)

blusher - Mac

cost: RM 15.90

okay...below is my collections of stuff rite now but not all of them just some of it...

not that much rite..

that's all i could think of...

have a nice day...
