
Saturday, July 18, 2009

hora de la verdad...

me sobrina-nieta me un amigo intimo....

me sobrina-nieta...

Que vestido mas bonito!


What a pretty dress!


me un amigo intimo....

mai mejar amigo....

ckp bahasa spanish la plak....


i had a great time wit me fwen Ain at Secret Recipe....

well I didn't ate anything but Ain did, she had a slice of cake..

I just came here to have ice blended cappuccino...

cost= RM 8.90 i think....(mybe wrong kot)

yup, we're twins....

but different mom and dad...

neyh...this is me best fwen...

she prefer red shirts...and let me have the pink one....all the time....

yup....dreaming of coming here to meet someone....not!


and she gave me her new picture..

woa....nmpak slim plek jur....!


that's all for now..

have a nice day...!

I'll be taking a holiday for 2 days....

I'm so going back home... cause...

I miss me family....

can't wait to go back...!

HeRE Are SomE oF ThIngs ThAt I WanTed To Share WiTH You WonderFul Readers....

YoU ARe As BeAuTifUl As You aRe...

YoU Make YoUr Own RuLes In LiFe....

ThEn You'll Be As HapPy As A BiRd In D SkY...

JuSt BeLIevE In YouRself...

Believe ThAt U Can Fly...

HAve A SeLf-ConFide
nT In ANy SiTuaTion...

LoVe BeiNG YourSelf...

AnD You'll FiNd PeAce In YoUR LifE...



incase la kalau ade yang nak taw aper maksud tajuk tue...

it MeanS....CRUcIaL TimeS...

JuSt suke letak nama tajuk lagu tue...hahahah

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