
Thursday, July 23, 2009

best punYer tAjUk....!

post kaLI Nie laIn SkiT...

I nak cerita in Malay ya...

Malaysia Oh Tanah Airkuuu....

okay.....kali nie nak le cerita skit sebanyak pasal aper orang kater "information collected"....

la..tukaq plak dah bahasa..

ley poning pala kan..??

apa pown..I nak berterima kasih kepada you all di atas jasa baik you all yang sudi membaca blog I yang masih diperbaiki nie...heheheh

haa...I ader la terbace dalam this website pasai 'Kempen Hari TAnpa Berbelanja'

ley pakai jugak logik soklan dia tue...

hat bawah nie la apa yang I bace tue:

1) adakah saya benar-benar memerlukannya?

2) berapa banyak yang saya milikinya?

3) berapa kerap saya menggunakannya?

4) berapa lama ia akan bertahan?

5) adakah lebih baik saya meminjamnya sahaja?

6) adakah saya boleh bertahan tanpanya?

7) adakah lebih baik saya melakukannya sendiri?

8) adakah ia masih lagi boleh diperbaiki?

9) adakah ia berkualiti?

10) bagaimanakah dengan harganya? adakah berbaloi memilikinya?

haa..lagu tue lah apa yang I baca....

almaklumlah...tiap2 arie I duk cari info2 pasal bende2 event nie tuk syarikat...

pastu lak bila I bukak email....

huih...banyak jugak pengetahuan am yang I dapat setiap hari....(syoq noh)

dak aih...saja melawak nooo...

ada hat pasai segala mengenai tumbuhan, about bisnes, pasai life n macam2 lagi lah no....lebih kurang hat macam iklan di astro la...'macam2 ada'...

pastu I explore n explore hat dalam intenet nie...

I terjumpak lah pasai nie...tajuk dia ' Can I forgive myself? ' tajuk kecik dia 'cleaning up after the mess you made' ish lupa dah I jumpa tang mana tekan2 ja....xpandai mana pown... You all pandai lagi...(^;^)

nie la points2 dia yang I amik tuk jadikan pedoman tuk I...

* before exploring your options for moving on, take a good look at why you did what you did...

* perhaps you didn't give enough thought and consideration to what the consequences might be...

to help you put order back into your life, there's an effective five-point plan for self forgiveness:

i) be honest and admit that you made a poor choice and did not value whatever you lost. by doing this you give yourself a chance to change and posibbly get it right in the future.

ii) keep in mind that tomorrow is another day, and perhaps it will be a better one.
give yourself hope that you'll get through this.

iii) make sure to ask forgiveness of those you disappointed even if they have no interest in giving you another chance. this takes courage you may be rejected, dismissed, diminished..or hopefully forgiven...

iv) make repairs where necessary: Return money, stay late or work weekends to make up for a botched assignment,re-enter a detox program...Whatever it is, do it!

v) learn from your mistakes. spiritual growth cannot be learned without "messing up" along the path. once you've done everything you can do, you will be on the road to returning to normal. Talk to friends and family members or counselors for reassurance and guidance.

"LiVing In GuIlT aNd sHaMe iS nOt lIvIng wElL, bUt fOrGiViNg oUrseLveS aNd dOiNg tHe BesT we Can wIth wHat We hAvE...ThaT iS wHat tHis JouRney Is aLL aBoUt!

"What yOu diD or didn't do doesn't dictate what you can do or are capable of doing in the future, it only highlights how to recognize what will bring you fulfillment. So foRge aHead with AnticipatIon! sOme of yOuR biGgEst Mistakes Are mOst lIkeLy yoUr mOst Valued bLessInGs....

wowow...banyak betul I celoteh dalam engLish kan....!

macam xade perbezaan jer pown...

mcmm rojak jer...

aper pown u all...

I hope sangat la you all ley gunakan this info as something to tressure ley...??

okay la nooo...

I nak kne sambung koje nie...

kang nanti I punyer bos marah lak...this I buat time I

selamat membace...!

keRna diRiku begiTu beRharge....!


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